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Band News

4/24 It's been a long time since we've practiced. We hope to pick it back up again over the summer, but we're not sure. Hayes has got tennis and Kieths got everything under the sun, iuncluding Evenstar among other things. As for now we're just maxin' and relaxin'. . . kinda. Keep in touch

2/7 Well, Hayes and Robinson signed up for the Salem High School Battle of the Bands yesterday. Sweet. We'll know what time we're playing on Monday. The cost of admission is three bucks, and it's at the SHS Auditorium. Please come support your local bands. Well, at least the ones that don't suck. Yeah. Also, we will hopefully be recording next weekend. We know we've been saying that alot, but this time we're serious. All the gear is set up, we just need to record and crap. So hopefully we'll have our debut thingy by next weekend finally.

1/23 The show last night was awesome. A great time was had by all. Every band did great, and best of all no one was killed. We would really like to play several more shows at the Castle so if you would like to play with us, just contact one of the guys. Hopefully next time we'll have more time to play a full set, and more bandanas. Thanks to all who came. Later dudes.

1/21SHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSHOWSH As you can probably guess, we have a show this Friday, the 20 somethingth, Searles Castle, featuring (e)X-treme, Millstone (us), Tear Method, Lucky Shot, and For the Experience. Come. Or die. Peace out.

1/7 Happy New Year!! And on a suckier note, Kieth's amp busted today after a terrifying easle tragedy. That's right, Robinson made the mistake of putting atop a swinging Lay-Z-Boy rocking chair a large easle. Now this easle, lets call him. . .Fred. Well, Fred was accidentally knocked over by a small wandering child who was sitting underneath it on the Lay-Z-Boy chair. The easle fell on Kieth's amp and disaster struck. Currently, Keith has taken it to be repaired and it's scheduled revival will be approximately two weeks from today. To add insult to injury, Robinson also bumped his head on the school bus today with tremendous force. Ouch. Oh yea, we will also be recording our demo album as soon as Keith's amp is feeling better (score) and it appears as though we will be covering "I Just Threw Out the Love of My Life" by =w= (no covers, including this one, will be on the demo). Some broad by the name of Cassandra is planning on helping us out with keys and some killer vocals. Oh yea, plus Robinson took some incredible, mind blowingly good pics today, which Kieth will hopefully post sometime in the not too distant future.

12/27 Dave Hayes and Dave Robinson worked on recording an acoustic version of Nothing Society today with Robinson's new 4-track. After finishing we realized we had created an accidental "euphoria" of pure guitar bliss.

12/24 Christmas Eve!! We've had alot of good ideas floating around, and from them have emerged three new songs. We still don't have names for them though. Anyways, Merry Christmas!! (unless your Jewish)

12/15 Practice today started with no electricity on account of the snow. But when power came back we recorded Stalemate and A New Hope (which Robinson put sweet vocals to), both sounded really good with the vocals. We're tightening everything up for the real recording process next week and for shows.

12/12 We now have lyrics to Stalemate from Keith. Dave Hayes also finished Nothing Society today complete with lyrics. We have to hand in our lyrics for the Battle of the Bands before Christmas vacation.

12/10 New Recruit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keith Galvin is our newest addition assuming the role of bassist. After just one practice it's definite, he's a keeper.

11/26 Been writing up a storm still, but we've decided to hold off on any new material so we can focus on rehearsing for possible upcoming appearances.

11/21 Attempted the Christmas Song and did so with great success.

11/18 We used Dave's digital camera to tape ourselves at practice in Jake's house today. We were filmed by our photographer, Bobby T.

11/15 We updated the site a bit and put some pictures on of us and of the sky around our neighborhood. We plan on putting some more pics on the site as soon as we develop them.

11/10 Began work on a new song today. So far so good. As of now we have twelve or so songs.

11/7 We're continuing to practice at Jakes house and have made some serious progress in the short while we have been together. We write new stuff practically everyday, and will hopefully record sometime soon. Until next time, this is Millstone, signing off.

11/3 We perfected some of our newest songs and went through and refreshed our memories on some older ones. We covered "Rocks Tonic Juice Magic" by Saves the Day, and made a new song called "A New Hope."

11/2 The band has been practicing for a few weeks, and on Halloween night, gave a killer performance for the entire neighborhood. We have about seven or so original songs, and are currently deciding on a song to cover. Dave just got a new amp, a Fender DeLuxe 90. Sweet